Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Summer Days

Well, I guess I am averaging 3 months per post...I'm way on top of my game. I have been teaching summer school. The great deal with summer school is that I work from 8 to 1 everyday and have Fridays off. So it is nice to have lots of time to spend with the little one, who is not so little anymore. She is keeping busy at preschool and is loving it. She currently is visiting Chris is Seattle right now and she is having so much fun that she can scarcely find the time to talk to me on the phone. I, meanwhile have no idea what to do to fill the time without her being here. I am looking forward to her coming home. So that is about all the fun times. Rylie is great. She is talking up a storm and I find myself realizing that she is way smarter than I am. Summer is hot and the air quality has been awful, but we have found creative ways to pass the time inside. Hope all is well with all of you who even still read this...=) Lots of loves


Kristin Jones said...

I checked your blog on the off chance that you would have posted, and I was so excited that you had!! Rylie is so cute. I can't believe how big she is getting. Why don't you take one of those Fridays and give me a call owe me!

Rachel said...

erin, she is so darling! i would love to get together with you sometime. i think estie and rylie would be smashing friends. and we could sit and drink diet pepsi . . . please?