Monday, August 13, 2007

I did it, Yay me.

So I am feeling very accomplished that I finally went on and did this whole blogging schebang. It needed to happen, I feel so uncool that I waited so long to be part of the trend. I hope it will be a good way to keep in touch with my favorite peeps, especially all my Davis friends that technically don't live in Davis anymore, but who I miss dearly and hope to get in touch with again. Everyone has all of these pictures of the cute little ones, new and old, and I figure I need to get on the band wagon for Ryles who is 2 going on 17. She is loving all things sugar and Disney princess right now. It is great having a girl. We went to the coast with my fam and she had a great time at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Boardwalk, the beach and Marianne's ice cream shop. We had to make a stop by that one twice...for her of course, to enjoy her vacation fully.


kristib said...

I'm glad you have a blog! So good to see pictures of you two.

Phoebe said...

So once you start blogging, you have to keep it up! I want to hear more about what is going on with you!

Rachel said...


found your blog via ph's. your rylie is so dang cute. (not a surprise.) i will never forget how she was talking up a storm at like . . . 6 mos? (or it seemed like it, compared to my mute Esther, who isn't so mute anymore . . .at all . . .)

i'd love to see you sometime if you ever venture to sacto. i'm sure you're one busy lady, but i'd love to get a little dose of erin in my life.

i still am savoring the grapefruit candle you gave me about a year and a half ago. love it so much; i only allow myself to burn it on special occasions so it will last a long time.

hope the new school year goes well for you! I get butterflies just thinking about going back to the classroom. you're an inspiration!

rachel schutz